It’s Giveaway Time! An Interview with Sparkle Stories…

A few years ago, I became very conscious of the impact stories had on my son (now age 4.)  Stories have helped him overcome fears, accept new challenges, and have even shaped his behavior as he imitates the characters.  At the same time, I noticed how most stories in popular children’s media did not reinforce our values of simplicity or wonder, and how many of the characters were simply not worthy of his imitation!

Around this time we found Sparkle Stories and fell in love.  After seeing the many positive ways these audio stories have impacted our family, I approached David and Lisabeth (creators of Sparkle) to consider doing a giveaway on our blog.  Today, we are delighted to introduce you to this incredible family who is offering great tools for families trying to make the shift from screen media to home-spun stories.

Today’s giveaway winner will receive a 3 month subscription to Sparkle Stories.

On top of this, a special offer for all Simplicity Parenting readers (regardless of whether you win the giveaway) – You can subscribe to your first month of Sparkle Stories for only $1.  The code is: 06D3 (the first digit is a zero).   Just enter it when signing up!

And now – let’s sit down for a conversation with David and Lisabeth Sewell McCann:

SP:  What first got you interested in storytelling?

David: I found early on that storytelling had a powerful effect on the listener. I found that the 3rd grade bully left me alone when I told him a story about a chimpanzee in my basement. I realized that teachers loved stories and never grew tired of listening to them. In short, I learned at an early age that being a compelling storyteller was an effective way to get what I wanted in life. When I got older, I realized it was a powerful tool for igniting imagination and inspiring meaningful change.

 SP:  What inspired you to create Sparkle Stories?

Lisabeth: Our idea for Sparkle came in a flash of inspiration. (Really!) I was reading blog posts about where to find quality children’s audio for families who are media-cautious and screen-free. And there just didn’t seem to be a wealth of good options! It’s tricky when you’re an ultra-discerning parent — you’re not sure what you can trust of what’s “out there.” But, like so many, I wanted to find something for my boys that was both nourishing and entertaining — so that I could feel good about what they were listening to while having a moment’s quiet! But I was coming up short, and so were the bloggers and readers online.

And I had a flash: DAVID and I COULD CREATE THE VERY THING WE’RE ALL LOOKING FOR. I took David — an incredibly gifted storyteller who can spin-a-yarn at a moment’s notice. And I took the incredible quality of his stories (they’re the sort that can bring a crowd of children and adults to a rapt, awestruck stillness). I suddenly saw his gift as a resource that could be tapped to create a small business. And then I took stock of my own skills: my training as a playwright, my love of production and management. And I realized it could be a perfect collaboration. And so we mapped out Sparkle, and launched about 7 months later, in December 2010.

SP:  What makes Sparkle Stories different from other stories in popular children’s media?

David: Sparkle’s stories inspire a sense of wonder in the world, nurture the imagination, and even offer a spark of healing and support, while still being completely delightful and entertaining.

Listening to a Sparkle story is a unique experience on many levels. First of all, since there are no images – screen, book or otherwise – the listener is able to engage imaginatively in the experience, creating their own unique images. This makes the experience collaborative rather than passive. Second, the characters are familiar, as is the world in which they live. This affords a comfort and trust in the narrative – which then allows the listener to deepen their empathy and consciousness of others. Lastly, the stories are offered rhythmically, every Friday. While children (and their parents) wait for the new stories to arrive each week, they can listen to the same story more than once – and deepen the experience.

Also worth mentioning: the foundation for Sparkle Stories comes out of my years as a Waldorf teacher. Waldorf class teachers are trained observers and students of child development. We meditate on our students, and this affords a very deep awareness of their challenges and capacities. Lisabeth and I have also been parenting two very different children for the last 10 years – both with unique interests and temperaments. All of that has created an excellent ground from which to grow Sparkle.

SP:  Why do you care about offering an alternative media for children?

Lisabeth: We’re big proponents of screen-free homes and schools for young children. But we also recognize that being totally media-free can be a sizeable challenge. (As I mentioned,) I’ve seen how media-cautious families — and I count our family among the ranks– are hungry for something of high quality to share with our children. There are times we simply want to engage our young ones for awhile so that we can get the dinner on, or let the baby nap, or enjoy the drive to Uncle’s house, or have a moment’s quiet to gather our wits! It’s important to have options that we trust to be both engaging and nourishing.

SP:  How do Sparkle Stories reinforce families seeking simplicity?:

Lisabeth: Sparkle’s stories are fundamentally simple. We don’t use sound effects, or big voices, or loud music. Our stories are told by one voice — that being David’s — in a gentle, slow, rhythmic pace. They are constructed in such a way that they engage all types of young listeners with delightful, consistent characters, and compelling, well-crafted stories. And, more often than not, the stories contain a seed of healing, help or insight. So the result is very rich, and often inspiring to families.

Also, our stories are tied to the Seasons, and in that way are grounding, as well as enriching of the present moment experience. The website is simple – informative, clean, colorful and spare. No bright lights and fancy distractions. It reflects what we are trying to offer: simple, well-told stories.

I think Sparkle is ideal for families who are trying to simplify the home life by stepping down the use of screen media, or a families who choose to use audio at home. We strive to be a highly regarded, trustworthy resource for children’s audio.

SP:  Where would you direct parents who want to learn more about telling their own stories?

David: Over the years I have developed a simple four-step system for making-up stories on the spot: when you are stuck in traffic, when waiting for an airplane, when anticipating a appointment at the dentists, as well as bedtime. Intuitive stories are not only available to you at any moment of the day or night, but they can also offer just the right image or narrative to a child that needs it. None of it takes any mapping or planning – just the courage to say “Once upon a time” and then the consciousness to get out of the way of the story and let it be told. I teach workshops on Intuitive Storytelling to parents, educators and students around the country. I also talk about these steps and other storytelling tips in our blog:


TO ENTER the giveaway for a 3 month subscription to Sparkle Stories, follow these instructions:

1) Comment here and you will be entered once.

2) “Like” Sparkle Stories on facebook, mention that in the comments here, and you will be entered twice.

3) “Like” Simplicity Parenting on facebook, mention that in the comments here, and you will be entered again.

4) Blog, Tweet, or Status about this giveaway inviting your friends to participate…and, you got it…you’re entered again.

Good luck!  The winner will be announced this Friday!