What a wonderful group that has formed for our online book study! I’m looking forward to sharing ideas and growing together on the simplifying journey. Please know, if you haven’t already joined us, you are welcome to join in at any time. You can get a copy of Simplicity Parenting here, and jump into the discussion by introducing yourself in the comments.
This week’s food for thought: Why Simplify? Kim covers some of “the problem” with our society’s view of childhood in this chapter – He asserts that our drive towards, “too much, too soon, too fast” deprives our kids of what they need most. That too many toys, too much adult information, too much media, and too many scheduled activities take away what children need most to develop in a healthy way: Opportunities for deep, focused play. Connection with family. A safe haven to slowly unfold into the people they are meant to be.
I loved the analogy of the man who wanted to rush sleep so that he could do more during the day. And the wise doctor’s words – that yes, taking a pill to shorten sleep would be a great idea….unless you think sleep does something. We all know sleep does something. But have we lost the idea in our society that childhood, too, does something? Need we rush our kids into being tiny adults? And what is the cost when we do rush their growth?
Two questions this week to consider as a group: (Please share your answers in the comments if you are comfortable.)
What is it about childhood that you want to protect and preserve for your little ones? Be specific – get a clear picture of your dreams for them. Having a clear image of our goal will ease the daily decisions that must be made in a way that protects childhood.
What is one area in the reading this week that struck home with you? What new questions or ideas did it inspire?
Please take time to read over other answers so that we can share our experiences with one another and perhaps answer some questions for one another. Next week we will discuss the second chapter, “Soul Fever.” Happy reading!