What Simple Food is Teaching Us

It started as an all-out attack on the family grocery budget. My love for feeding my family “real” foods with simple ingredients I recognize was deeply rooted, and, I think, an integral part of our simplicity journey…but it was decidedly not compatible with my grocery budget.  What was I to do?  After several months of…

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Simple Cleaning – Making Your Own Kid-Friendly Cleaners

Cleaning Day! Ours is on Tuesday, and I’ve been working to incorporate the boys more and more into the actual cleaning….it’s slower but it sure is fun. Since I have the kind of guys in my house who insist on licking the windows, eating off the floor, and rolling around all over the place, I…

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The Spiritual Discipline of DIRT

“Earth is crammed with heaven, every bush afire with God. But only those who see take off their shoes.” -Elizabeth Barrett Browning One of the best perks to our new simplified schedule is that the boys have plenty of time to dig and explore. I love to watch the older one get lost in his…

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A Simplicity Story – Modern Day Toys…Dirt, Sticks, and Rocks

  I finished Kim John Payne’s book more convicted than ever that we need to cut our toy load in half at the house, and only keep the most simple, natural toys that open up the best possibilities for rich sensory experience and imaginative play. We’ve had all kinds of toys in the past at…

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A Simplicity Story – Sweet Daily Rhythm Chart

                              Last weekend, the boys went away with daddy for a trip to the park and I finally got our little rhythm chart done. It was so easy (it had to be, I am not crafty.) It’s made of watercolor paper,…

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This Week’s Small Change – Move An Appliance For Big Change!

When our firstborn turned one, my husband and I made the call to cancel our cable TV. Since our son was too young for it (and always around), it seemed a wasted monthly payment and an easy place to save 40 dollars a month. It was just an experiment, and I fully expected I’d return…

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A Simplicity Story – Garden Dreams

I’ve known for a while that I wanted to get P involved in gardening our food as early as I could. There’s something spiritual about being connected to the creation in this way – something I don’t want the boys to miss- the way I have for so many years.   If it’s not painfully…

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Becoming Like Little Children

“Our young children still have one foot in the Eternal, in Heaven. We can join them there, if we give ourselves enough time.” – Sharifa Oppenheimer We have been working lately on slowing down, simplifying our schedules, taking time to really be with each other. A few nights ago I read about the importance of…

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