A Simplicity Story – Sweet Daily Rhythm Chart
















Last weekend, the boys went away with daddy for a trip to the park and I finally got our little rhythm chart done. It was so easy (it had to be, I am not crafty.) It’s made of watercolor paper, mod-podged onto an art canvas. The little tags for each activity are also mod-podged for durability, and everything attaches with little magnets I cut up and stuck to the tree. No sewing, no measuring, no straight-edges…perfect for me!

I made this mostly for myself – to keep me on track during the day, and to eradicate some of those flaky momma moments (when I look around and there’s so much to be done, I can’t focus on any one thing.) Now I know, it’s baking morning, or gardening afternoon, laundry day, or grocery day.  And the number of magnets makes it impossible for me to over-schedule 🙂

When I showed it to P, he said, “THANK YOU for drawing pictures, Momma, now I can read it!” And he does – we go through the day each morning at breakfast and he ‘reads’ to me what we will do in order.

It would work easily on a plain board, but I am loving the image of a tree right now. A tree is a picture of life, simplicity, beauty, connection, growth, and blessing for all who see it and find rest in its shade. A perfect symbol to keep us focused on what a good daily rhythm should bring!