Simplicity Community
A Helping Hand for Parents on their Simplicity Journey.
We're sorry, but Simplicity Community is no longer available to the public. Please visit to learn about our other offerings for parents and families. Thank you!
Video Overview
Free Books/Videos
Membership also includes one free book/video per year of your choice from our available titles.* (Currently Simplicity Parenting, The Soul of Discipline, Being at Your Best When Your Kids Are at Their Worst, and Beyond Winning: Smart Parenting in a Toxic Sports Environment)
(*NOTE: U.S. members receive books, outside the U.S. receive videos.)

"Small Doable Steps"
The key to a successful Simplicity Journey is taking it one small step at a time. To that end, we've taken the topics of greatest interest to community members, curated the most relevant material from our comprehensive Resource Center, and put them into exclusive weekly email series. Once a week, you get a helpful resource on the topic of your choice, delivered to your inbox.
Community Workshops
Membership also includes access to materials from two exclusive Community Workshops, "Digital Devices and Parenting Decisions" and "The Art of Family Change."
When we offered these to the public, tuition was $97 each. But they're included in the community at no extra charge.

Exclusive Book Readings
Kim John Payne periodically reads from his bestselling books, adding additional commentary and fresh perspective. This audio series bring the simplicity vision to life in a unique and wonderful way—and it's only available to community members.
Enjoy this sample entry: (If the audio doesn't play, using a different browser should fix the problem.)
Resource Center
Simplicity Community includes a rich library of helpful content for every phase of your parenting journey, with new material being added every month. You’ll find exclusive video, audio, and written materials, organized in a way that you can quickly and easily find whatever you need. (Topic Areas: Understanding Children; Simplifying Environment; Strengthening Rhythm; Simplifying Schedules; Filtering Out Screens; Filtering Out Adult Conversations; Discipline and Guidance; Emotional Self-Regulation; Whole-Child Sports.)

- Two Community Workshops ($194 value)
- One book per year ($27/year value. U.S. only.)
- Small Doable Steps, Book Readings, Resource Center ($149/yr value)
Total, over $300 value
All for only $97 USD/year!
We're sorry, but Simplicity Community is no longer available to the public. Please visit to learn about our other offerings for parents and families. Thank you!